Unreal Engine 5 AR Development Tutorial 01: Create And Setup AR Project

Ocean Games
4 min readSep 28, 2022


Photo by UNIBOA on Unsplash

Welcome to the first tutorial on AR development with unreal engine. In this tutorial, I am showing you how to set up a project for AR Development.

Step 1: Open Unreal Engine 5

  • Open Epic Games Launcher
  • Select Unreal Engine 5.x

Step 2: Create a new project

=> 1. Select “Games”

=> 2. Select “Blank” project

=> 3. Select:

  • Blueprint
  • Target Platform = mobile
  • Quality preset = Scalable
  • Starter Content = False
  • Raytracing = False

=> 4. Set Project Location

=> 5. Set Project Name

=> 6. Click on the “Create” button.

Step 03: Setup Plugins

=> Go to Edit > Plugins


=> Goto Augmented Reality section

=> Turn on the following plugins

  • AR Utilities
  • Google ARCore

=> Click on the “Restart Now” button to restart the editor.


Goto Augmented Reality section

=> Turn on the following plugins

  • AR Utilities
  • Apple ARKit

=> Click on the “Restart Now” button to restart the editor.

Step 04 Create a Map(Level)

=> Go to File > New Level

=> Select Empty Level.

=> Click on Create button.

=> Go to File > Save Current Level

=> Choose the Path and Name for the map.

=> Click on the save button to save the map.

Step 5: Create Base Classes

=> Create Game Mode Class

  • Right-click on Content Browser,
  • Select Blueprint class
  • Select Game Mode Base
  • Give it a name(BP_GM_Base) and save.

=> Create a Pawn class

  • Right-click on Content Browser,
  • Select Blueprint class
  • Select Pawn class
  • Give it a name(BP_Player_Default) and save.

Step 06 Setup Map and classes

=> Go to Edit > Project Settings

=> In Map and Mode section

=> Set the newly created Map as the Default startup map and the Editor Template Map Overrides

=> Set Default Gamemode as the newly created Game Mode.

=> Go to Window > World Settings (Turn it on if already not)

=> Set the newly created game mode as GameMode Override in World Settings.

=> Open Gamemode and set the newly created pawn class to the default pawn class in the classes section in the details panel.

=> Open pawn class

=> Add a Camera (component) in the components panel.

The project is ready for AR functionality, The next step is to build and test the app on Android or IOS devices.

Unreal Engine 5 AR Development Tutorial 02: Build And Test AR Android App

